Photo by Alonzo Lyons |
Meanwhile, the downtrodden people have long faced chronic poverty and its many ills while under the thumb of apartheid, really, for centuries. The ruling gang and its enablers have all but destroyed the cultural ethos and country itself.
The dysfunctional system is as disastrous as a Marxist
nightmare. An entitled gang has
controlled the state and resources for the foreseeable past including the
police, military, judges, hospitals, schools, media, commerce, land and obviously wealth and power.
Citizens are subjugated to this entitled ruling gang and have next to nothing
including few rights for self-determination and instead are dictated to by the
state, elitists and even by an endless phalanx of unaware foreigners operating in Nepal.
Government gangsters and development schemes have
stifled human rights including the freedom of self-determination, industry, creativity and free enterprise. The people are totally subjugated to the custodians of 'development'. They have
next to nothing including few human rights and little freedom to do any enterprise on their own -- instead they face insurmountable
hurdles including prohibitive fees and bureaucratic red tape with non-transparent rules and regulations that gives leverage for graft and extracting bribes.
The aid schemes that play along with the dysfunction are a warped socialist experiment that have six decades of non-success on poverty metrics and development indices, and in sum, it is worse than any Marxist nightmare.
The aid schemes that play along with the dysfunction are a warped socialist experiment that have six decades of non-success on poverty metrics and development indices, and in sum, it is worse than any Marxist nightmare.
The entitled elite control the state and foreigners play into the
dysfunctional system by either trying to take the place of broken elements, and in doing so bolstering the buffer between reality and crony
socialism…the ruling gang thereby has no motivation or need to answer to the people... or by warping society by enabling dysfunction with outside funds going directly to the wrong places and into the wrong hands and instilling a donor mentality where little gets done without a pledge of aid funds (earthquake reconstruction is crippled by this mentality).
How about striving for human rights with the right to be free of
government and foreign meddlers and their costly, lethal interference?
#globaldev #nepal #cronysocialism #deadbeatdonors
Photo by Alonzo Lyons |
Photo by Alonzo Lyons |
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