Thursday, February 5, 2015

Same-Same, NOT Different (aka, Not Different, Same-Same)

I was recently in northern Thailand and experiencing the same-same, not different ups and downs per usual…paradoxically attached to the downs…more at ease with them as they have been with me longer (haha, cry-cry)…maybe too much chlorine in water, msg in food, humid-heat in air, preservatives in beer, pesticides in food, burnt-plastic pollution in air, Eat-Pray-Lovers walking around with copyright to life’s answers…or, more likely, it is simply the usual suspects — the hobgoblins — of my own mind. 
That said, I rarely feel healthy and physically strong in ‘the land of the upside-down frown‘…despite a surfeit of food, smorgasbord of activities and plethora of fun and games, I am inexplicably running on 50% most.
The general feeling in Thailand is party-hearty…people arrive to indulge in sensual pleasures and good times. Few are on working holidays like me.That is, they have no responsibilities and do not suffer for someone who does not have all day to seek fun and adventure of an exotic locale.
Additionally, adding to my petty woes, nearly every dish in every restaurant has animal flesh or animal product. When did the culinary world become like this?…not so long ago people rarely had meat in the diet (a few times a week, or once a day at the very most)…now flesh is in every single spoonful. The bloodthirsty modern diet of the naked ape and suffering there engendered including a heavy tax on environment of animal farming dims the ray of hope for the future of all life in general. This animal planet with its deteriorating environment faces an overly self-absorbed species with ignorance of biblical proportions. If only Noah could give us all a pep talk.
Diet and partying aside, I rarely get around with anyone in Thailand whereas in Rishikesh, NW India, there is more of a spiritual flavor and sparkling gems of humanity passing through. I am always inspired to do more there…whereas here I am just taking up space and resources.

Onward to eternity…not beyond-- Hari Om -- Hurry Home.
Thai wedding party — young bride and groom are seen in photo next to soop’d up vehicle. Suddenly, as if scripted from a post-pubescent boy’s diary…this car crashed the party. It was cherried-out with deafening speakers and hydraulics for raising it up and down . Hip hop roared from the vehicle as three scantily clad women in bikinis rushed out and onto the stage in bikinis. They then andbegin to gyrate (seen in background of this photo) to hoots and hollers from male members of the wedding party. Not sure how happy the bride and other females in attendance were about the revealing show and blatant fantasies of her newlywed hubby -fast cars and fast women.

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