Photo by Alonzo Lyons in northwest India. |
With all due respect to Noam Chomsky on climate change, I reckon it ain’t up to any person, organization, government or coalition to ‘save the planet’ so to speak (and truly might be a fool’s game to rely on phlegmatic government agents and agencies and political leaders and expect anything more than politicking and vested interests from them).
On the semi-bright side -- the answer is up to the very people who can actually do
something swiftly and make a real change of behavior with real-time results, i.e., you. It is up to each person to take individual responsibility for
his or her part in the crisis and to curb his or her own desires and modify actions as needed. If we all do
that then the ripple effect will be enormous and immediate as we administer a balm to the environment with resulting climate effects.
With that in mind, among leading
causes of environmental degradation, including water depletion, deforestation, ocean dead zones, species
extinction, and methane emissions and other flagrant harms are the meat
and fish industries. Yet, rather than seeing the problem and the resource insanity lost to raising and producing meat and fish. Rather than acknowledging the resulting environmental devastation, people continue to patronize industries doing some of the greatest harm.
Knowing these major causes and modifying individual behavior to reverse the effect of these causes seems straightforward. Instead, the notorious naked ape is increasing rather than decreasing consumption of animals and animal products…go figure that behavior out and perhaps figure out along with it the balm for climate change...and perhaps even an answer to other human conflicts and dilemmas.
Knowing these major causes and modifying individual behavior to reverse the effect of these causes seems straightforward. Instead, the notorious naked ape is increasing rather than decreasing consumption of animals and animal products…go figure that behavior out and perhaps figure out along with it the balm for climate change...and perhaps even an answer to other human conflicts and dilemmas.
The revolution, if there is to be one, must start with oneself, otherwise, mandates, criticisms and
condemnations emanating from anyone or any ruling body will smack of hypocrisy if the person/s promulgating them are not even doing their part. Now more than ever, the golden rule applies, 'do unto others as you would have done unto yourself'...If you believe in the necessity to tackle climate change, then start with yourself. Do not wait for any other person, government or outside force. After all, it is up to you and that might be good news because it means that something can be done--if you are willing to do it.
#noamchomsky #climatechange #climateaction
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